3 Minutes Thesis

3 Minutes Thesis Feb 18th

The Midwest Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) is sponsoring a 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition this April in Chicago, IL.  

The Graduate School will host the GVSU competition on the afternoon of Thursday, February 18 (starting time to be determined).  We are looking for currently enrolled graduate students who are independent (sole author) researchers to participate! This is a great opportunity for students to develop presentation skills and to show off their research.  Prizes will be awarded: First place receives $500, second place receives $200, and third place receives $100. The Graduate Student Association will provide funding for the winner to travel to Chicago.

The registration deadline has been extended to Monday, January 25.  Students must submit a one-page research synopsis and a faculty letter of support online at www.gvsu.edu/gs/3MT.  Participants will be selected by the 3MT Steering Committee.  The selected students will compete on February 18 before a panel of judges (selected from each of the academic colleges).

All qualified students are encouraged to register and attend the event!

Page last modified January 22, 2016