Scholarship Opportunities

Grand Valley State University offers a wide variety of merit-based scholarships. For information on all of the scholarships that are available to students, please visit Scholarships at GVSU.

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Career Center Internship Award

The GVSU Career Center Internship Award is a $500 scholarship awarded to 10 students who are completing an unpaid, for-credit internship. The criteria and application link can be found at
The application deadline is the first day of the second week of classes for the semester in which the student is completing his/her internship, with the exception of the fall semester; the fall semester deadline is generally the beginning of September.

Aaron M. Desrocher Memorial Chemistry Scholarship

This scholarship was created by the family and friends of Aaron DesRocher to honor and memorialize the enthusiasm for the physical sciences that he displayed as a chemistry major at GVSU. This scholarship is intended to help enthusiastic upper-level Chemistry or Biochemistry Majors finish their educational journey with a minimum of debt. As a result, it is hoped that the world will gain from the critical thinking and creative problem solving carried out by enthusiastic young scientists who share the hopes and dreams enjoyed by Aaron.


  1. Candidates must be entering their Junior year at GVSU having more than 55 credits and two remaining years of course work required to complete a Chemistry or Biochemistry major. Transfer students may be candidates.
  2. Recipients must be enrolled as full-time GVSU Chemistry or Biochemistry major.
  3. Candidates and recipients shall be making satisfactory academic progress according to the norms established by the University and the Chemistry Department.

Apply online at A one-page essay and two letters of recommendation (preferably from GVSU faculty) will be required.

Application Deadline: March 1

Professor Charles Knop Chemistry Scholarship

The Professor Charles Knop Chemistry Scholarship was established to honor the career of Professor Charles Knop, a pioneer faculty member in the Chemistry Department who impacted the lives and careers of many faculty, staff, and students for over 30 years. The scholarship will reward an outstanding senior Chemistry or Biochemistry major. Preference will be given to Chemistry Education majors, though all Chemistry or Biochemistry majors are eligible and welcome to apply. The award extends over two semesters; to receive the second-semester award the recipient must maintain satisfactory academic progress. Applicants must demonstrate financial need through a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Apply online at The application requires a 1-page essay describing career goals and plans related to education and/or outreach.

Application Deadline: March 1 preceding the applicant's senior year.

Mark A. Warren Memorial Scholarship

The Mark A. Warren Memorial Scholarship honors the life and memory of Mark Warren, a GVSU chemistry major who lost his life just before graduating in April 2013. Its purpose is "to not only honor Mark A. Warren's greatest attributes and accomplishments but to support future junior and senior chemistry and biochemistry students in completing their journey in education and establishing a career filled with meaning and purpose as well as a future filled with hope and happiness."

Recipients must be a full-time GVSU Chemistry or Biochemistry major in their junior or senior years who have cumulative GPAs of 3.4 or higher. Preference will be given to first generation students with financial need.

Apply online at

Application Deadline: March 1

Cheryl Barnhard First Generation Chemistry Scholarship

The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage and assist students who are the first in their family to earn a four year degree.

Recipients must be full-time GVSU a Chemistry or Biochemistry major in their junior or senior years who have cumulative GPAs of 3.4 or higher. Preference will be given to first generation students with financial need.

Apply online at

Application Deadline: March 1

Ross W. Perry Bachelor of Science/Core Sciences Scholarship

This scholarship was intended to benefit students seeking a Bachelor of Science degree from GVSU.

  • Full time students entering their junior year
  • Major must be Biochemistry, Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Geology, Chemistry, Mathematics, or Physics
  • Applicants must have a cumulative 3.5 GPA
  • Must demonstrate financial need

Apply online at

Application Deadline: March 1


Non-GVSU Scholarships

Non-GVSU Scholarships

ACS Scholars Program

ACS awards renewable scholarships to underrepresented minority students who want to enter the fields of chemistry or chemistry-related fields (CHM, BIC and CHMX majors). African American, Hispanic, or American Indian high school seniors or college freshman, sophomores, or juniors pursuing a college degree in the chemical sciences or chemical technology are eligible to apply.

For more information and application instructions:  ACS Scholars Program

Application Deadline: Beginning of March

Michigan Environmental Laboratory Association Scholarship

Each year we award $1000 scholarships to two undergraduate students. The scholarship is open to any undergraduate student with Junior or Senior standing, majoring in a number of different disciplines, with an emphasis or interest in Environmental Chemistry.

For more information and application instructions: Michigan Environmental Laboratory Association

Application Deadline: End of January


Udall Foundation

For more information and application instructions:  Udall Foundation

Page last modified January 9, 2024