University Awards FAQs

What advice do you have for a nominator or nominee?

Stick to the nomination materials listed as criteria for each award – no more; no less.  Award committees may ignore nominations that do not follow the specific guidelines.

Who is responsible for nominating faculty for University Awards?

Unit heads are responsible for nominating, identifying a designee, or creating a nomination process.

How should nomination packets be submitted to the Dean’s office?

The unit head or the unit head designee should submit each nomination as a nomination packet electronically as a single, combined .pdf file.

Can anyone nominate a faculty member?

If someone (students, staff, faculty in other departments, etc.) would like to nominate a faculty member, please connect with the unit head of their department.

What is the Dean’s Office involvement?

The Dean’s office sets the deadlines for unit heads to notify them of the nominee’s acceptance of their nominations (approximately one month prior to submission) and the date that packets must be submitted in full. Packets are reviewed for completion and adherence to award criteria and submitted from the Dean’s office to the University.

Why notify the Dean’s Office of nominees one month in advance?

This allows the Dean’s office to ensure there are nominations for every award and potentially seek more nominations.

Can a unit nominate more than one individual for the same award?

Yes - However, it is not advised. Consider whether the individuals could be nominated for different awards or if one could be nominated the following year.

What award nominations are automatically reconsidered (stay in the award pool) the subsequent year, if the nominee was not selected?

University Outstanding Community Service and the Outstanding University Service

Which faculty are eligible for Pew Teaching Excellence Awards (Pew Teaching Excellence Award, Pew Teaching with Technology Award, The Burch, Jacobs & Moore Diversity Teaching Excellence Award and the Pew Excellence Award for Teaching and Learning Enrichment)?

All Faculty – regular (tenure-track & tenured), affiliates, and visitors who have taught full-time at GVSU for a minimum of six semesters.

Page last modified October 20, 2023