
From Flush to Fresh: The Journey of Wastewater

From Flush to Fresh: The Journey of Wastewater

Date and Time

Thursday, February 9, 2017 8:00 PM


Sanitation is a modern convenience, and something you probably take for granted. But plumbing and sanitation aren’t new concepts. Every single day in the Grand Rapids area, toilets, dishwashers, showers, laundry, factories and more produce roughly 40-million gallons of wastewater. All that water is treated at the Water Resource Recovery Facility. By the time that water leaves the facility, just 16 hours later, the water is cleaner than the water flowing in the Grand River. The journey in between is a fascinating example of modern engineering and human ingenuity. Come hear the City of Grand Rapids Environmental Services Department Manager Mike Lunn explain what happens when you flush, how the completion of a 27-year, $400-million project is creating a better future for us all, and how our past experience has led to us becoming one of the greatest utilities in the nation.

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Page last modified February 7, 2017