Program News


MATS Free Communication Presentation by Camryn Lound and Abigayle Willock

Therapeutic Interventions Practices in the Secondary School Setting. Michigan Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting and Symposium Free Communications, 2023.

MATS Free Communications Presentation by Samuel Corbin and Ryan Sheeran

Blood Flow Restriction Cuff Location and the Achilles Tendon. With Samuel Corbin & Ryan Sheeran. Michigan Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting and Symposium Free Communications, 2024.

Congratulations to Ashely Stoop, recipient of the GLATA Best Oral Presentation Recipient

Congratulations to Ashely Stoop, recipient of the GLATA Best Oral Presentation Recipient

Congratulations to Ryan Sheeran 2024 Recipient of the Excellence-In-A-Discipline Award Recipient

Congratulations to Ryan Sheeran 2024 Recipient of the Excellence-In-A-Discipline Award Recipient

Congratulations to the 2024 Athletic Training Excellence Scholarship Recipient Lacey Jajko

Congratulations to the 2024 Athletic Training Excellence Scholarship Recipient Lacey Jajko

Congratulations to the 2024 Jager Scholarship recipient Erika Ippel

Congratulations to the 2024 Jager Scholarship recipient Erika Ippel

Congratulations to the 2024 Dan Chappell Scholarship Recipient Anja Whitehouse

Congratulations to the 2024 Dan Chappell Scholarship Recipient Anja Whitehouse

Congratulations to the 2024 Doug and Linda Woods Excellence in Athletic Training Award Scholarship Recipients Anja Whitehouse and Lacey Jajko

Congratulations to the 2024 Doug and Linda Woods Excellence in Athletic Training Award Scholarship Recipients Anja Whitehouse and Lacey Jajko

NATA Timely Topics: Athletic Training Student Debt by Dr. Brian Hatzel and Dr. Gianluca Del Rossi

Dr. Brian Hatzel Presents at NATA Timely Topics about Student Debt for Athletic Trainers

Page last modified September 10, 2024