At GVSU, the world is your classroom.

Studying nursing? Do your community health hours in a hospital in Ghana.

Studying business? Complete an internship in Ireland.

Studying computer science? Work with an international team in Switzerland.  

Studying biology? Canoe down the Amazon River and learn about the biodiversity of Ecuador.

GVSU students have thousands of programs to choose from in every region of the world. Programs range from 2 weeks to a full year abroad, making it easy to fit study abroad into any schedule, no matter what you’re studying.

At Grand Valley, we believe study abroad should be accessible to everyone. That’s why our advisers work hard to help students find the right program for them. Grand Valley offers over $200,000 annually in scholarships for study abroad. 

GVSU has been ranked one of the top 10 Master’s level institutions for study abroad participation by the Institute of International Education.  

Learn more about Study Abroad at GVSU:


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Page last modified September 1, 2017