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x remove Education, Instruction and Curriculum, M.Ed.
Credits Required
Face To Face

Classes for graduate students in this major meet downtown on the Robert C. Pew Grand Rapids Campus.

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All Master of Education (M.Ed.) programs require a minimum of 33 semester hours.

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Career Options
  • P-12 teaching
  • Childcare and early childhood supervision
  • School administration
  • College level professional and administrative positions

Aside from the M.Ed. degree, other education programs are available. Visit for details.

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Application Deadline

Deadline for fall semester is July 15; winter, November 15; spring/summer, March 15. Early application is strongly encouraged to secure course enrollment. Those applications received after the deadline will be considered on an individual basis and program availability. The $30 nonrefundable application fee is waived if you have previously applied to GVSU.

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Skills Employers Want

Instruction and curriculum graduates leave with the following skills:

  • The ability to deconstruct state curriculum standards and develop programs of instruction and assessments to ensure that all students achieve high levels of curriculum mastery.
  • Recommendation for certification in elementary or secondary education, or recommendation for endorsement in early childhood, cognitive impairments, emotional impairments, or learning disabilities. 
  • Expertise in particular aspects of the discipline pursued.
  • Knowledge of current and seminal research in the discipline. 
  • Application of current and seminal research in classroom settings.
  • Knowledge and application of advanced instructional and assessment approaches
  • Ability to collect and analyze data leading to classroom, school-wide, and district-level decision-making. 
  • Advanced-level knowledge of critical issues facing the discipline.
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