What a AAA minor did for me!

Brandy Arnold '09

Brandy Arnold

Kids Helping Kids Program Coordinator/Equity Diversity & Inclusion Staff Lead

In Brandy's words...

I am so grateful that I chose Africana Studies as a minor. It really put me on the path that I am on now. First, it instilled in me such pride in being black and the accomplishments of those who came before me. It made me want to fight for the rights of African Americans in this country and find a job that would allow me to do that as a career, which I've found at Kids' Food Basket.

Many of the families that Kids' Food Basket serves are African American. I know there are many factors that lead to these families being food insecure or not having access to, or enough money for, the amounts of food and kinds of food they need. These factors often include generational poverty, living in food deserts, lack of access to job opportunities, pay disparities between African Americans and their white counterparts, lack of educational opportunities, housing instability, and mass incarceration of African males at alarming rates. My AAA minor equips me with the ability to put context around the issues that these families are facing. I better understand that systemic factors and can look at root causes. Part of my role is also educating our staff on cultural sensitivity and the importance of diversity & inclusion within our organization. Knowledge gained through AAA gave me a wonderful base to build upon as I grow my skills in these areas through professional development. My minor in AAA is helping me breakdown stereotypes, empower communities, and work for equity. 


Page last modified June 10, 2024