Faculty and Staff

Program Coordinator

Jack Mangala headshot

Jack Mangala


Ph.D., Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium

Africana Studies

Areas of Interest: Migration, Diaspora Engagement Policy, Global Governance

Google Scholar profile

(616) 331-8512
101 Lake Ontario Hall
[email protected]

Core Faculty

Steeve Buckridge

Steeve O. Buckridge

Ph.D., Ohio State University
History Department
Area and Global Studies
Areas of Interest: African History, Caribbean History, Material Culture, Gender and Sexuality
(616) 331-8550
105 Lake Ontario Hall
[email protected]

Jack Mangala

Jack Mangala


Ph.D., Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium

Africana Studies

Areas of Interest: Migration, Diaspora Engagement Policy, Global Governance

Google Scholar profile

(616) 331-8512
101 Lake Ontario Hall
[email protected]

Richard Yidana

Richard Yidana

Associate Professor
Ph.D., Binghamton University-State University of New York
Area and Global Studies
Sociology Department

Areas of Interest: Social Movements, Anticolonial and National Liberation Movements (Africa & the African Diaspora), Development & Culture (Africa, Asia, and Latin America), Ethno-Nationalism and Social Change (Developing World)
(616) 331-3183
2156 Au Sable Hall
[email protected]

Affiliate Faculty

Dianne Green-Smith

Dianne Green-Smith

Associate Professor
Ph.D., Loyola University-Chicago
School of Social Work
Areas of Interest: Therapy with families and children, couples therapy, parenting groups, pregnancy and infant adoption, chronic health issues, and marriage preparation, HIV / AIDS education and counseling with a special emphasis on sub-Saharan African immigrant women
(616) 331-6565
367-C Richard M. DeVos Center
[email protected]

Sherry Johnson

Sherry Johnson

Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
English Department
Areas of Interest: 19th & 20th Century African-American Literature, Neo-Slave Narratives, Diasporic Black Women’s Writing, 19th & 20th Century African-American Visual Culture, Multicultural Literature, Rhetoric of Multiculturalism
(616) 331-2385
248 Lake Huron Hall
[email protected]

Louis Moore Photo

Louis Moore

Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of California, Davis
History Department
Areas of Interest: African American History, Sports History, Gender History
(616) 331-2852
D-1-114 Mackinac Hall
[email protected]

Rachel Peterson

Rachel Peterson

Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Michigan
Liberal Studies Department
Areas of Interest: Liberal Studies
(616) 331-8151
319 Lake Ontario Hall 
[email protected]

Dwayne Tunstall

Dwayne Tunstall

Associate Professor
Ph.D., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Philosophy Department
Areas of Interest: How Africana philosophy, existential phenomenology, moral philosophy, religious ethics, and classical American philosophy can complement one another when thinking about issues of moral agency, personal identity, race, and the legacy of Western modernity
(616) 331-3415
B-3-211 Mackinac Hall
[email protected]

Anaya Weekley

Ayana Weekley

Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Areas of Interest: Race, Gender, and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic, Black Feminist Studies, and Periodical Studies
(616) 331-8173
215 Lake Ontario Hall
[email protected]

Olivia Williams

Olivia A. Williams

Associate Professor
Ph.D., Michigan State University
College of Education and Community Innovation 
Areas of Interest: Cross Cultural Cross Racial Friendship in Middle School, Blacks (A/A; Caribbean; African) in schools, Non-traditional families (same gender parents; teen parents; grandparents raising grandchildren) in schools, Desegregation-Re-segregation of U.S. Schools, and Urban Education
(616) 331-6610
428-C Richard M. DeVos Center
[email protected]

Faculty Emerita

Veta Tucker

Veta Tucker

Professor Emeritus of English and Africana Studies
Ph.D., University of Michigan
Veta taught early American and African American literature, Africana Studies and Black Women's History at GVSU for 19 years

Page last modified June 10, 2024