Policy Details

Date of Last Update

Approved By
  • University Academic Senate / Provost

Responsible Office
Provost Office


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University Governance Committees

SG 1.03

  1. Policy Statement
  2. Procedures
  3. History

Policy Statement

For the committees with an elected Chair, the Chair is responsible for publishing an agenda at least 4 class days before the scheduled meeting.  Minutes of each meeting, with a roster of those in attendance, shall be published after approval by the membership of the committee.  The elected Chair of each committee will also send the agenda and approved minutes to the Faculty Governance assistant to be made available in the secure area of the Faculty Governance website


SG 1.03       Operative Rules for University Governance Committees

A.      Standing Committees of the University Academic Senate

The Bylaws for the University Academic Senate (UAS) and, the Executive Committee of the Senate (ECS) are located in SG 1.01. The Bylaws for the following standing committees of the University Academic Senate are located in SG 1.02:

1. Academic Policies and Standards Committee (APSC);
2. Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC);
3. Equity and Inclusion Committee (EIC);
4. Faculty Facilities Planning Advisory Committee (FFPAC);
5. Faculty Personnel Policy Committee (FPPC);
6. Faculty Salary and Budget Committee (FSBC);
7. Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center Advisory Committee (FTLCAC);
8. General Education Committee (GEC);
9. Graduate Council (GC);
10. Online Education & Microcredential Council (OEMC);
11. University Assessment Committee (UAC);
12. University Curriculum Committee (UCC);

B.      University Governance Committees:

      1.   Academic Technology Advisory Committee (Approved by UAS 01/31/16)

i.  Membership
         Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chair
         Dean of Student Academic Success Center
         Vice Provost & Dean of Academic Services and Information Technology
         Library Associate Dean, Technology & Information Services
         Associate Vice President for Information Technology
         Faculty (elected by and from): Four representatives from CLAS and one from each of the remaining colleges and University Libraries.
         Student representative selected by the committee

 ii.    Term: Academic college representatives - 3 years, staggered

   iii.   Purpose: To support the academic mission of the University in its use of technologies and services impacting teaching, learning, research and scholarship, including:

  1. Provide a forum to share experiences in the use of technology and computing needs and support.
  2. Foster open communication to inform GV constituents about academic technology issues and initiatives.
  3. Provide input and feedback on policies, guidelines and standards regarding the use of technologies by faculty and students.
  4. Provide strategic planning input related to emerging technologies, resource and support needs.
  5. Make recommendations regarding funding priorities to the Provost..

            iv.   Reporting: To Provost and Academic Senate.

            v.    Meetings:  Twice each fall and winter semester.

2.    The Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC), formerly a University Governance Committee, is redesignated as a Standing Committee of the UAS: see SG 1.02.l. (Approved by BOT [11/3/2023])

3.    Campus Life Committee (Replaced the Student Life Committee) (Approved by UAS 01/31/16 )

Faculty (elected by and from): 3 from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and 1 from each of the other Colleges and University Libraries
Students: 3 Undergraduate and 1 Graduate, appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs

ii.  Term: Faculty (3 year staggered); Students (1 year); Administrator (indefinite).

iii.  Purpose: An advisory body to the Vice President for Student Affairs regarding strategic planning of: co-curricular learning opportunities (i.e., educational, social, recreational, etc.) to actively engage students in the life of the university; support services that assist students to be successful in their academic and personal lives; and management of various environments at the university (e.g. living centers, apartments, dining areas, Kirkhof Center, Recreation Center, etc.).

iv.  Reporting: To the Vice President for Student Affairs; Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs; and University Senate

v.  Meetings:  Twice each fall and winter semester held on the first Monday in October, December, February and April.

4.  Faculty Grievance Panel (Approved by UAS 01/31/16)

i.   Membership: Faculty (elected by and from): six (6) from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Seidman College of Business and Padnos College of Engineering and Computing; two (2) each of the remaining colleges and one from the University Libraries.

ii.   Term: 3 years, staggered.

iii.   Purpose: To review and make recommendations about a grievance at the request of any aggrieved appointee (see Board of Trustees' Policies BOT 4.2.16 -4.2.17 for other details).

iv.   Reporting: To the President

v.    Meetings:  Only meets when needed to address a grievance. (Election is for a pool of candidates to be selected by drawing to form the committee when needed, as per the Board of Trustees' Policies BOT 4.2.16 -4.2.17 )

5. International Education Committee (Approved by UAS 01/31/16)

i.    Membership:

Chair, elected from Membership 

Faculty (elected by and from): Four representatives from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, two representatives from the College of Education and Community Innovation, one from each of the remaining colleges and the University Libraries.

Two students: 1 selected by the Student Senate and 1 selected by the Student Organization representing international students 

One Area Studies Program Faculty Member, selected by the programs 

One Modern Languages and Literatures Faculty Member, selected by the department 

One Faculty Led Program Director, selected by the Provost 

Executive Director of Padnos International Center Education (ex officio, non-voting) 

ii.    Term: 3 years, staggered.

iii.    Purpose: To review, authorize, evaluate, and recommend modifications to all international programs administered by the Padnos International Center ; to recommend priorities, new initiatives, policies, and procedures for the Padnos International Center programs, including campus curricular and co-curricular activities; to advocate for international students, study abroad, faculty research and exchange, and community integration, within the university and West Michigan; and to ensure integrity and academic excellence in all international initiatives undertaken abroad by GVSU.

iv.    Reporting: To the Provost and University Curriculum Committee

v.    Meetings:  Three to four times each fall and winter semester

6.  LIFT Management Committee (Approved by UAS 09/27/2017)

i.     Membership:

Assistant/Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs (ex officio)

Director, Pew Faculty Teaching & Learning Center (ex officio)

FTLC Advisory Committee liaison to LIFT-MC (ex officio)

Six Faculty (appointed by UAS)
      Three with relevant scholarly expertise in qualitative or quantitative analysis of data
      Three other with relevant expertise

Student representative appointed by Student Senate

ii.   Term: Faculty representatives -- 3 years, staggered. 

iii.  Leadership: The LIFT Management Committee has two co-chairs.

      a)   Term of service is one year. Co-chairs may serve more than one term.

      b)   At least one co-chair may not be in their final year of service to the committee.

      c)   Co-chairs for the following academic year will be selected by consensus at the end of each academic year.

iv. Purpose: The LIFT Management Committee is a standing committee charged with overseeing the implementation and analysis of the LIFT System, including

a)  Evaluating and approving or denying requests by Units to modify formative or open-ended items on the LIFT forms. 
b)  Perform a yearly evaluation of the reliability and statistical performance of the summative and CEI items.  Specifically, monitoring for evidence of fairness for various faculty groups. 
c)  Review the format of the LIFT summary reports provided for faculty members.  Suggest changes as needed.
d)  Work with the Office of the Provost to monitor the response rates and work with units to meet established baselines. 

i.   Reporting: To the Provost and Academic Senate. 

vi.   Meetings:  Every two weeks (or as needed) each fall and winter semester. 

7. Outstanding Service Awards Committee (Approved by UAS 01/31/16)

i.     Membership:

Faculty (elected by and from): One representative from each College and one from the University Libraries.

Two students selected by the Student Senate

The Outstanding Service awardees from the previous year

The Provost, or designee.

ii.   Term: 3 years, staggered. 

iii.   Purpose: To review nominees, select the awardees, and forward the names to the Provost by December 15 for awards to be made at the next Faculty Awards Convocation.  The Outstanding Service awardees serve on the committee for the academic year following their awards.  The students and faculty members on the committee shall be representative of all segments of the campus community, including academic discipline, academic level, instructional level, race and sex.

iv.   Reporting: To the Provost

v.   Meetings:  Normally, no formal meetings; business conducted electronically in the fall semester, unless the committee chair calls for a formal meeting.

8.    Research and Development Committee (Approved by UAS 01/31/16)

i.    Membership:

Faculty (elected by and from): Seven representatives from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, two from Seidman College of Business, one from each of the other colleges and one from the University Libraries.

Executive Director, Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence ( ex officio, non-voting). 

Provost or Provost designee (ex officio, non-voting)

The chair will be elected by the members of the R & D Committee for a one-year term.

ii.   Term: 3 years, staggered.

iii.   Purpose: To receive, review, develop, and recommend policies pertaining to research conduct & development and to advise the Executive Director of the Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence on the activities of the Center.  The committee’s domain includes research conduct policies, except those for whom responsibility is explicitly assigned to the Human Research Review Committee (HRRC) and/or the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) by federal regulations and/or formal commitments (e.g., the university’s Federal Wide Assurance). The committee is expected to consult with other faculty and staff members who have relevant expertise in research practices and ethics. Research policy recommendations should be forwarded to ECS/UAS, which may ask other committees such as UCC, FPPC, and FSBC to review proposals whose content overlaps with or has effects on matters that are within the domains of those committees. The committee serves as the advisory board of the Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence, making recommendations on policies, procedures, and operations of the Center, including recommendations on awarding of Grand Valley funds for research and teaching improvement projects, directly to the Executive Director.

iv.   Reporting: To the Provost.

v.    Meetings:  Monthly during the academic year.

9.   Undergraduate Research Council (URC) (Approved by UAS 01/31/16)

i.   Membership:

Faculty (elected by and from): Four representatives from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and one from each of the remaining colleges and University Libraries.   The Chair of the URC will be elected by the members of the URC for a one-year term.

The Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship, ex officio, non-voting.

One student representative selected by the Student Senate.

One student selected by the Student Senate for a term of one year.   The student member will meet with the committee regarding items 8.a through 8.f, but will not be involved in the evaluation of S3 proposals.

 ii.  Term: 3 years, staggered.

iii.  Purpose:   In keeping with the values and strategic plan of GVSU that students should acquire new knowledge and explore its application through research, artistic expression, and scholarly activity, and that active scholarship may include collaboration of faculty and staff with students, the role of the URC is to provide advice and recommendations on university-wide policies and programs that apply to undergraduate research and creative practice. The committee will:

a)  Recommend goals and priorities for undergraduate research and creative practice at GVSU.

b)  Recommend policies and programs to promote undergraduate research and creative practice at GVSU

c)  Advise on faculty development needs, student needs, and other resources to enhance undergraduate research and creative practice at GVSU.

d)  Promote undergraduate research and scholarly activities within the GVSU community.

e)  Promote the undergraduate research and scholarly activities at GVSU to the broader community.

f)  Establish policies and processes for application review for the Student Summer Scholars Program.

g)  Evaluate S3 proposals and recommend proposals to be funded.

h)  Assess the progress and viability of the URC.

i)   Review annually the resource needs for the URC and Office of Undergraduate Research

  iv.    Reporting: To the Provost.

   v.    Meetings:  Monthly during fall semester, up to once a week during winter semester.

10.     University Libraries Advisory Committee (Approved by UAS 01/31/16)

i.   Membership:

Faculty (elected by and from): Four representatives from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), one from each of the remaining colleges, and one from the University Libraries.

One student representative selected by the Student Senate

University Libraries Dean (ex officio, non-voting)

ii.   Term: 3 years, staggered.

iii.   Purpose: To advise the university libraries on possible areas of library development as perceived by the faculty; to react to issues brought to them from the University libraries; to serve as a communication channel; to recommend to the Academic Senate in a timely manner on major policy issues and matters of general concern as identified by the Committee.

iv.  Reporting: To the university libraries dean and to the Academic Senate on matters of policy and general concern

v,   Meetings:  Twice each fall and winter semester.

11.     University Personnel Review Committee (Approved by UAS 04/14/17 and Provost 05/15/17)

i.   Membership:

Provost and/or designees (ex officio)

Legal Counsel (ex officio)

One academic Dean, appointed by the Provost (ex officio)

Faculty:  ECS Chair and one representative, appointed by the Provost, from each College and the University Libraries.  Each representative shall have significant prior experience on an elected College/Library Personnel Committee.

ii.  Term:  For faculty and the academic Dean, 3 years, staggered.

iii.  Purpose:  (1) To review College/Library and Unit personnel policies and procedures for compliance with the Faculty Handbook and Board of Trustees Policies; (2) to make recommendations to the Provost to revise specific College/Library or Unit policies or procedures; (3) to review personnel policy revisions proposed by a Unit or College or the Library; (4) to identify areas of university faculty personnel policy that may need revision and to inform ECS of that need so the appropriate governance committee(s) can be charged; (5) to work with the charged governance committees to develop proposals for review by ECS/UAS.

iv.  Reporting:  To the Provost, with copies of relevant recommendations to ECS/UAS, academic Deans, and College Personnel Committee Chairs.

12.  Writing Skills Committee (Approved by UAS 01/31/16)

i.    Membership:

Director of Writing Across the Curriculum (ex officio) - Chair

Director of GVSU Writing Center (ex officio)

Chair of First Year Writing  (ex officio)

Faculty (elected by and from): Four representatives from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and one from each of the remaining colleges and University Libraries.

One student selected by Student Senate

ii.   Term: 3 years, staggered.

iii.  Purpose:  The University Writing Skills Committee exists to develop and assess goals for Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program through the Supplemental Writing Skills (SWS) program at GVSU.  To this end, the committee enables collaboration among institutions across campus that support writing, specifically the First Year Writing Programs, the Fred Meijer Center for Writing and Michigan Authors, the University Libraries, and Information Technology. The work of the committee will include writing/updating the Mission, Vision, and Values statement for the SWS program; developing policies as necessary for new SWS issues (e.g., on-line SWS course guidelines); writing SWS assessment plans and advising the WAC director on the implementation of those plans; assessing the SWS program; and reviewing and advising the self-study report.  The committee will also review and evaluate for approval SWS courses proposed by units; advise the director of WAC on new faculty development activities; and sponsor workshops in teaching writing for faculty members.

iv.  Reporting: To University Curriculum Committee.

v.   Meetings:  Monthly during the academic year

13.  New Program/New Academic Unit Council (Approved by UAS 09/27/19)

i.    Membership:

UAS/ECS Chair or designee, Chair

UCC Chair

FSBC Chair

GC Chair

Appropriate Dean(s) (non-voting)

Provost and/or Provost's designee (non-voting)

ii.   Term: ex officio

iii.  Purpose:  To review prospectuses for the establishment of new programs and proposals for the establishment of new units (SG 2.05)

iv.  Reporting: To the Provost and UAS

v.   Meetings:  As needed

14 Centers Evaluation Committee (Approved by UAS 03/15/24)

i. Membership:

Vice Provost for Research Administration or Provost’s designee (ex officio)
Eight Faculty (appointed by UAS) 
     Three with relevant scholarly expertise in qualitative or quantitative analysis of data
     Five with demonstrated ability to think strategically and broadly about university-wide issues

ii.    Faculty Term: 3 years, staggered

iii.    Leadership: The Centers Evaluation Committee has two co-chairs.

       a)    Term of service is one year. Co-chairs may serve more than one term.
       b)    At least one co-chair may not be in their final year of service to the committee.
       c)    Co-chairs for the following academic year will be selected by the committee at the end of each academic year.

iv.    Purpose: The Centers Evaluation Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Provost on matters related to the establishment, performance, and  continued viability of Academic Centers (SG 2.06) at Grand Valley State University. The committee:

       a)    Makes recommendations to the Provost regarding policies and procedures for establishing, reviewing, and discontinuing Academic Centers;
       b)    Conducts reviews of existing Academic Centers;
       c)    Makes recommendations to the Provost regarding proposals for establishing, reorganizing, and discontinuing Academic Centers;
       d)    Provides resources for best practices in Academic Center administration and management.

v.    Reporting: To the Provost and Academic Senate.

vi.    Meetings: Every three weeks (or as needed) each fall and winter semester.

C.   Administrative University Committees :

1.  Academic Review Committee (Approved by UAS 01/27/17)

i.    Membership:

Student Success Programs, Director
Inclusion and Equity representative
Registrar or designee
Faculty: Five members appointed by the Provost

ii.    Faculty term: 3 years, staggered

iii.   Purpose: To preserve the integrity and appropriateness of the academic review process and policy, and to act as an appeal and review body for those students seeking exception to, or readmission following suspension/dismissal.

iv.   Reporting: To Provost or designee

v.    Meetings:  Every other week throughout the academic year.

2.   Provost’s Advisory Committee (as needed) (Approved by UAS 01/31/16)

i.    Membership:

Faculty (jointly selected by the ECS and the Provost): One representative from each of the colleges and the University Libraries.

ii.   Term: 3 years, staggered.

iii.   Purpose: To provide advice concerning areas for reduction by department or program, transfer/retraining options for faculty, voluntary options, i.e., retirement, resignations, severance pay, and declarations of financial emergency and changing enrollment patterns.

iv.   Reporting: To ECS/UAS.

v.   Meetings:  No regular meetings; only assembled in time of need.

3.  Student Media Advisory Board  (approved by UAS 01/31/16)

i.   Membership: 

          Faculty:  Six faculty representatives appointed by ECS

          Six students (3 selected by Student Senate; 1 each from the Lanthorn, WCKS, GVTV staff, selected by the associated staff)

          Associate Dean for Student Life (ADSL) or designee

          Two Professional Community Representatives from West Michigan, selected by ADSL in consultation with faculty advisors for student media

          Lanthorn editor (ex officio, non-voting)

          Lanthorn Faculty Advisor (ex officio, non-voting)

          WCKS Station Manager (ex officio, non-voting)

          WCKS Faculty Advisory ((ex officio, non-voting)

          GVTV Station Manager (ex officio, non-voting)

          GVTV Faculty Advisor (ex officio, non-voting)

ii.    Term:  3 years for faculty, two years for community members, 1 year for students.

iii.    Purpose:  To ensure continuity of student media at Grand Valley State University.  The three major student media organizations included the student newspaper, the Grand Valley Lanthorn; the student radio station, WCKS The Whale; and student television station GVTV Grand Valley Television.  The Student Media Advisory Board will provide for adequate and capable staffing of the three student media organizations.  The SMAB will establish newspaper and broadcast policies and will periodically review the newspaper, radio and television for quality and ethics.  The SMAB will defend the freedom of the press for student media.

iv.   Reporting:  To Provost or designee.

v.    Meetings:  Once or twice each fall and winter semester.

4.   University Conduct Pool  (formerly University Judiciary; Approved by UAS 01/31/16)

i.    Membership:

Faculty (elected by and from): Four representatives from CLAS, one from each of the remaining colleges and University Libraries.

Four faculty appointed by the Provost or designee from the faculty at large

12 students, selected by the Student Senate

Coordinator of Campus Judiciary (ex officio)

12 AP staff appointed by the Provost or designee

ii.   Term: 3 years.

iii.   Purpose: See Article III of the Student Code.

iv.   Reporting: To the Dean of Students or designee.

v.    Meetings:  Only meets when needed to address a conduct issue.  Election is for a pool of candidates to be selected by drawing to form the committee when needed, as per the Student Code; however, all elected and appointed members are intended to undergo yearly training.



April 24, 2024 - Added new committee #14. "Centers Evaluation Committee"
                       - Updated IEC Bylaws at SG 1.03.B.5

April 15, 2024 - Updated 1.03.B.2- Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) section

March 7, 2024 - updated Campus Life Committee membership

May 19, 2023 - B.6. adjusted membership to LIFT Management Committee FTLC member

May 16, 2022 - added Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) Leadership and Succession Planning

May 16, 2022 - added Lakers Impression of Faculty Teaching Management Committee (Lift-MC) Leadership and Succession Planning

August 9, 2021 - updated membership title in Academic Technology Advisory Committee

February 17, 2021 - updated LIFT-MC Membership 

August 11, 2020 - updated Online Education Council (OEC) to Online Education & Microcredential Council (OEMC)

January 6, 2020 - updated membership title in Academic Review Committee

November 20, 2019 - updated with GLEV recommendations

November 12, 2019 - added "Director, Pew Faculty Teaching & Learning Center (ex officio)" to LIFT MC membership

November 12, 2019 - change AFAC term length from two years to three years

November 12, 2019 - added New Program/New Unit; removed AP Committee

August 27, 2019 - Changed "President's Cabinet" to "Senior Management Team"

March 1, 2019 - Specific meeting dates (first Monday) added to Campus Life Committee 

Membership change to Campus Life Committee 2.02.B.3 

Title Change - Removed Operative Rules For

LIFT Management Committee added October 23, 2017

University Personnel Review Committee added July 17, 2017

Academic Review Committee membership revised May 15, 2017

University Governance Committees responsibilities of committee chairs revised May 15, 2017

Retitled from FH 2.02 A-C to SG 1.03 on January 7, 2019