Presidential Initiatives

Mantella featured on Changing Higher Ed podcast showcasing innovation at Grand Valley

Mantella was featured in the episode "Beyond Ideas: Implementing Innovative Structures in Higher Education" discussing Grand Valley’s programs including REP4, Laker Accelerated Talent Link and more.

Nov 7, 2023

GVSU kicks off Tech Week with an immersive showcase from PCEC

Grand Valley kicked off its offerings for Tech Week GR September 19 with an immersive display of projects, collaborations and partnerships that stem from the Padnos College of Engineering and Design.

Sep 19, 2023

From journalism to nursing: Pine Rest partnership produces first graduate

Most people may not see an immediate connection between nursing and journalism. Ben Weissenborn said his degree in the latter has helped propel his new career as a psychiatric nurse.

Aug 17, 2023

Nerves give way to ideas, opportunity at REP4 summit

Michigan high schoolers participated in the Midwest Learner Design Summit, a program with the REP4 Alliance, on July 27 & 28, where they pitched ideas on how to improve higher education.

Jul 28, 2023

President Mantella showcases REP4 Alliance at Capitol Hill briefing

President Mantella joined leaders from other REP4 founding members in Washington D.C. on July 26, where they met with elected officials to showcase the national alliance at the first Unified Day of Advocacy.

Jul 26, 2023

National report: GVSU is third highest producer of Latino graduates in state

Grand Valley is the third highest producer of Latino graduates in Michigan, according to a new report by Excelencia in Education.

Jul 19, 2023

Art Gallery mobile app upgrades enhance access, interaction with artwork

The app is set to include advanced open-source and augmented reality features.

Jul 6, 2023

Mantella and statewide business leader in op-ed: partnerships key to well-prepared graduates

Co-authors: GVSU has several programs teaming up with businesses to help retain Michigan talent.

Jun 23, 2023

Grand Valley signals confidence, growth in coming year

Board approves largest performance pool increase in more than decade for faculty and staff, enrollment outlook for fall is positive

Jun 23, 2023